Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'll admit it. I do the occasional online quiz.
Here's my contribution to the ever expanding world of personal discovery and public revelations:

1. If stranded at sea who would you push out of the lifeboat first:
a. Your mother
b. A sibling
c. A signifigant other
d. Carl Sagan

2. Which playing card best represents your personality?

3. When searching for a home do you look for:
a. Good local
b. Low price
c. Human remains

4. If you were to spontaneously combust, what would be the last words you say?

5. When searching for a romantic partner do you prefer that he/she have:
a. Intelligence
b. Humor
c. Financial stability
d. Front teeth

6. Would you give Bill Gates a blow job?

7. Would you give Bill Gates a blow job for free?

8. When confronted by a rabid squirrel do you:
a. Call your local animal control
b. Pay a homeless person $20 to chase it off
c. Break out the family cookbook

9. Who would you rather have as a roommate:
a. A relative
b. A friend
c. Herve Villachez

10. What color would you like the inside of your coffin to be?

11. May I constantly refer to you as "My Fuzzy-Lumpikins"?

12. Have you ever faked a coma to get out of a speeding ticket?

13. When confronted by an armed assailant do you:
a. Hand over your possessions
b. Attempt to overpower him/her
c. Tell him, "Dad, go home and sober up."

14. Your child has been caught cheating at school. Do you:
a. Ground him/her
b. Sit down with him/her and explain the importance of honesty
c. Make him/her swallow $4.39 worth of pennies.

15. If you were composed entirely of Play-Doh, what color would you be?

16. What can you construct using 3 lettuce leaves, 1 postage stamp, and a signed photo of Carol Channing?

17. Who was the better Enterprise Captain:
a. Kirk
b. Picard
c. Martha Stewart

18. Would you willingly breed with Darth Vader?

19. Have you ever eaten cereal?

20. Would you be willing to answer an additional 21st question?


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