Kill Me If I'm Cute
None of this is proof that I actually exist.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
And then she started drinking Jaeger....
Yup. Just a tiny bit toasty. But it's been an ugly couple of weeks. This entry is likely to be pure stream of conciousness - typos and all. So if you stop by here for a polished version of my wit, you'll likely be disappointed.
Heck, this thing'll likely be deleted shortly after its posted.
So yeah...
First stressor - Lost my job this week. I can no longer mooch of off the corporate monster that is AOL. Mind you, I hated the job. But as such things go it was easy, paid well, and they had hours I could live with. And add to that the fact that I am now UNEMPLOYED!!! This is not a condition I can easily enjoy. Not because I have some sort of A type personality (although if it's something I enjoy I have my moments), but because I fear poverty.
Following that is my first job interview - Yup. I must play that game once again. Keep in mind that I am a TERRIBLE interview. The job was actually perfect for me. An copywriter/production assistant. I can wrote rings around just about anyone I know. The more restrictions you put on the product the better I am. From an assistant stand point I know all this stuff. I am aware of all aspects of the production process...Love it in fact. I keep a cool head and manage to keep others cool around me. This sounds like a job that I'd not only enjoy, but desire. It would be a thrill to look forward to going to work.
Soooo....I manage to get myself LOST on the way to the interview. Yup. Call the guy for directions - he thinks I'm panicking. In fact I'm holding myself together pretty well considering that he's giving me directions that apply to someone comeing from the EXACT opposite direction I'm coming from. I do my TERRIBLE interview and go home to consider the Japanese concept of honor in suicide...
But wait! I can't consider how miserably it went, I have to have a knock out, drag down fight with Alvin!!!
Yeah. We don't go there often. I hate drama. I hate bitching about it to others,...but for us this was one for the record books. And, as always, Alvin's timing is perfect for such things. I had made a mistake. I will openly admit it. I undercut him in dealing with the spawn..but he went to far. Or more appropriately he refused to go anywhere. A common problem for us - I want to clear the air, he hides. This leads to most of our explosions. Last one I broke a kitchen window. This one I cornered him, smacked his shoulders a few times (if you've ever seen alvin you know how ridiculous that is - like smacking a brick wall) and refused to let him leave until he coughed up some sort of response to my anger.
Fun time.
Add to that, the mother-in-law had her spinal surgery. This surgery involved fusing the bottom vertabrea of her spine. Poor woman is pretty much crippled. Under normal circumstances playing babysitter to her wouldn't be an issue but I've been so stressed lately, it's been so long since I've had anything that even resembled a day off, that it only adds to my stress to show up at her house at 6 am. I'm torn between a screaming desire to curl up in a little ball and sleep for 6 days and a genuine wish to repay, just a little, all of the good this woman has done in my life.
And so there you have it. Those are the highlights. Throw in a generous helping of holiday stress and you run of the mill daily mini crapfests and you have my current state of mind.
Alvin talked to some of his buddies the next day and shows up bearing roses. Alvin has never brought me flowers. Never. NEVER. So that gives you an idea how nasty that one was.
The weekend is here so I'm faking like I'm taking a day off.
And my birthday is tomorrow. I'm getting older and it doesn't feel like it's getting any better.
And there ya go. My bitch fest.
Was it good for you?